
Collaborative Researches

Humanitarian Logistic
Faculty: Michel Toulouse & Marie-Eve Rancourt HEC Montréal
Humanitarian logistic concerns the organization of delivery and storage of goods in regions impacted by some catastrophic event (natural or man made). Logistic concerns the flow of good from one point to another. A good example is the delivery of goods bought online to customers in a city using services like UPS or FedEx. This research is in part connected to Mathematics and Operations Research.

Portfolio modelization with big data
Faculty: Michel Toulouse & Fabian Bastin Université de Montréal
This project aims to capitalize on the numerous tools that are now available to collect the large amount of data needed to capture a portfolio characteristics and estimate the underlying stochastic processes. This project requires good knowledge in Mathematics and Statistics.

Two-tiered City Logistics
Faculty: Michel Toulouse & Phuong Nguyen Hanoi University of Sciences and Technology & Teodor Gabriel Crainic Université du Québec à Montréal
In Two-tiered City Logistics problems, incoming loads are first sorted and consolidated at a first-tier facility, an intermodal platform or urban distribution center located on the outskirts of the city, moved to a second-tier facility, satellite or supply point, by a fleet of first-tier vehicles, where they are transferred to smaller-capacity vehicles for final delivery to customers situated within the controlled city area. This research is part of an Operations Research project.