
Application process

1. From now to end of April 2017, you can apply online on our website. In order to fill in the online application form, you need to create a registration account in our system. Switch to "Registration Form" and you will be guided step by step. In "Registration Form", at first, you need to give us your email address and wait for an automatic reply email with the activation code. If you have problems with the online application, please contact us immediately for help.

2. Use the code to activate your VGU's account and access the online application form. In the online application form, you will give in your personal information and the average scores of the selected subjects in the 10th, the 11th and first semester of 12th grade. You probably don’t have the final score of the first semester of 12th grade by the time you register, just type in "N/A". Please make sure that you fill in the high school grades correctly. At the day of the Entrance Test you have to prove it with a photocopied transcript. If there are any differences, you will be excluded from the examination. If you are studying at another university, please give the name of your university together with the name of your high-school in the registration form.

3. As soon as you receive your score for the first semester of 12th grade, log in your VGU account again (using your chosen password) and type in your scores to complete your application. Also do so when you want to submit or change your information. Please note that only completely filled in applications will be processed.

4. You can find a sample test for the two parts of the Entrance Test and the English Language Onscreen Test on this website.

5. We will process your application and will inform you if you’re among the selected candidates. The best candidates for each study program will be invited to the Entrance Test. The GPA is calculated by putting more value to the more relevant subjects for your study program: The results of all three years in Mathematics, Physics and English will be counted 25% each, while the results of the three remaining subjects will count only 25% together.

6. Further details will be given in the invitation letter.

7. Successful candidates will receive a letter of acceptance. You will be officially a student of VGU when you enroll and pay the fee for the first semester.